California's Groundwater
The CALIFORNIA GROUNDWATER COALITION was established in 2007 as a joint initiative of the Groundwater Resources Association of California, the Association of Ground Water Agencies, and the American Ground Water Trust. The Coalition’s member agencies provide technical, legal and professional groundwater expertise to policy makers and the public about groundwater resources and the role groundwater plays in providing a safe and reliable water supply for California.
Our Mission
The Coalition’s mission is to educate policy makers about groundwater, represent groundwater interests in legislative and other policy arenas; and, promote a fair share of funding for statewide groundwater programs in the state budget, proposed water bonds and legislation.

Our Principles
While groundwater issues can be highly technical and complex, the
Coalition's education and outreach program is based on five basic principles:
1. Groundwater development, conjunctive use, and groundwater storage have the capability to provide increased water supply reliability for California in the near future.
2. Groundwater management and monitoring are essential to the successful development and protection of the state’s groundwater resources for current and future generations.
3. New infrastructure is needed to obtain statewide benefits from groundwater resources utilization and replenishment.
4. Groundwater cleanup in many areas of the state is needed to eliminate contamination and ensure high quality water, and to allow for the sustainable development and use of groundwater supplies.
5. Funding is needed to ensure the effective management and use of the state’s groundwater resources.

Let's Work Together to Make A Change
Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of the California Groundwater Coalition (CGC). When CGC was formed over 15 years ago, there were very few members of the Legislature who knew much about groundwater. As of today, that has all changed – groundwater is a consistent subject of discussion in the Capitol. Unfortunately, that is both the good news and the bad news. Because groundwater involves many technical and legal issues that are highly complex, there are many misconceptions. Chief among them is the idea that all of the state’s groundwater resources are being mismanaged. One of the biggest battles we have to fight in Sacramento is rectifying this misinformation about groundwater.
The Coalition’s mission is to represent groundwater interests at the State Capitol and make sure policymakers have correct information relating to groundwater.
You and your agency can help.
Over the Phone